The Cathedral and Chapel is now open to everyone for Mass as well as personal devotion.
6:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass
7:30am Morning Prayer
8:00am Mass
9:30am Mass
11:00am Solemn Mass with Cathedral Choir
6:00pm Mass
6:00pm Youth-led Mass (3rd Sunday)
7:30am Morning Prayer
8:00am Mass
8:30am Sacrament of Penance (till 9:00am)
9:30am Mass in Extraordinary Form
5:00pm Sacrament of Penance (till 5:30pm)
6:10am Morning Prayer
6:30am Mass
11:15am Exposition
11:15am Sacrament of Penance (till 12:15pm)
Rosary after Angelus at midday
12:30pm Mass
Mass at 8:00am (No Adoration or Confession)
Weekday Mass times from 26 December to 12 January will be at 8:00am only. There will be no adoration or reconciliation during this time too.
The usual Mass times will resume on Monday 15 January.
Very Rev Robert Riedling
Dean and Administrator
Up until the last few years which were spent in the UK, I have lived just about my entire life in the Diocese of Parramatta. I was born in Penrith in 1968 and my family moved to Lalor Park the following year which is where I spent my formative years. My parents and brother emigrated from England in 1964, joining tens of thousands of other “ten pound” migrants that made their way to this country by sea from Europe. I attended local public schools, finishing secondary school in 1985 (Blacktown Boys’ High) and then completed a teaching degree at Sydney University. I worked for the NSW public service for a few years and taught at a primary school for another few years before being accepted into the seminary in 1999, pursuing most of my formation at the Seminary of the Good Shepherd, Homebush since, at that time, Holy Spirit Seminary was but a dream. I was ordained both deacon and priest in this very Cathedral, my priestly ordination being celebrated in June 2005. I have served in the parishes of Greystanes, Blacktown South and Glenmore Park, as well as a parish in Durham, England, over the past few years as I pursued further studies in theology.
I enjoy travelling when time permits and have been fortunate to have travelled quite widely over the past twenty years or so. I am not one for vigorous exercise or sporting pastimes, preferring instead to listen to music for relaxation, and I enjoy watching films and dramas. I have been told I’m not a bad trivia partner, too! My other favourite pursuit, made somewhat obvious by my physique, is good food, but focusing on some level of restraint in Lent…
Enough about me – I am looking forward to getting to know and serve you, the people of God in Parramatta, as together we build God’s kingdom in our midst.
Fr Tom Green
Hello, I'm Fr. Tom Green. My journey began in the beautiful town of Glenbrook where I attended Glenbrook and Blaxland East Public Schools, followed by Blaxland High School. My early spiritual life was deeply rooted in St John Vianney’s in Doonside, a parish close to my mother's heart and where I first served as an altar boy at the age of 9 or 10.
After high school, I embarked on a nursing degree at Notre Dame, which I pursued for two years. However, I soon felt a deeper calling and decided to step back from my studies to work in hospitality. This period was a significant time for discerning my vocation, leading me to a more deliberate spiritual journey in 2015.
In 2016, my path to priesthood became clear, and I joined the seminary. The highlight of this journey was my ordination on the Feast of St. Matthew, 21 September 2023, a day I hold close to my heart. Shortly after, at the beginning of October, I was blessed to join the community at St. Patrick's, following a rewarding eighteen months at Mary Queen of the Family in Blacktown.
Outside of my pastoral duties, I'm an avid sports fan and an enthusiastic reader. But above all, I cherish quality time spent with my family and friends. It's these moments of personal connection that truly enrich my life and ministry.
I am thrilled to be a part of the St. Patrick's family and look forward to serving and growing with this wonderful community.
AGM Report 2020 – AGM Report 2020 was not produced due to COVID-19 restrictions
Baptism the Sacrament
Baptism is the sacrament of entry into the Church. The sacrament is administered by the priest or deacon who pours water over the head of the person to be baptised while invoking the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Baptism takes away original sin, all personal sins and all punishment due to sin. It makes the baptised person a participant in the divine life of the Trinity through sanctifying grace, the grace of justification which incorporates one into Christ and into his Church. It gives one a share in the priesthood of Christ and provides the basis for communion with all Christians. It bestows the theological virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A baptised person belongs forever to Christ. He or she is marked with the indelible seal of Christ (character).
The Church baptises infants because they are born with original sin. They need to be freed from the power of the Evil One and brought into that realm of freedom which belongs to the children of God.
Procedures for Baptism at St Patrick's Cathedral
Baptisms are available every Sunday throughout the year unless a Diocesan Function is taking place. Baptisms commence at 12.45pm but families and guests must be present at the Cathedral by 12.30pm. Highlighting the ecclesial dimension of the Sacrament at St Patrick's it is customary to baptise up to four children at each ceremony, highlighting the communal nature of the Sacrament.
- If you have any queries or would like to know more about Baptisms, please contact our Sacramental Team member on (02) 8839 8400 or
- Parent Preparation Programmes are normally held in the Cathedral Hall, and usually on the third Saturday of the month at 4.00pm. But please contact the Parish for actual times.
- To book a Baptism date and a place in the Parent Preparation Programme, please contact the Parish Office on (02) 8839 8400 during office hours Monday to Friday or email You may need to give several months notice as available places fill quickly.
- Should you wish to have a luncheon afterwards, "The Cloisters" Function Room (our Parish Hall) is available for hire. Please Cathedral office on (02) 8839 8400 or
How to Begin?
1. Making Contact: Usually a phone call or visit to the Parish Office:
- Administration Tasks - completing Baptism form
Form may be downloaded here
- Administration Tasks - completing Baptism form
- Available dates for the celebration of the Sacrament.
- Available dates for the preparation session.
- Briefing - choice of God-parents (The Church Canon direction)
- Attend Baptism preparation session
2. Preparation Session for first time parents: Dates, time and venue [prior to the Baptism day]
Baptism Rite
3. Sacrament of Baptism Celebration: Dates, time and venue
Post-Baptism Support
4. Growing up in the Faith community
Preparation of adults for this Sacrament
In the years preceding the Second Vatican Council, Church leaders looked carefully at the current state of our initiation rites and decided that some changes in emphasis should be made to better adapt these sacraments to the pastoral needs of the contemporary Church. Following the discussion of these matters at the Council, the Church published a document: Rite of Confirmation and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (which has come to be known by its initials, RCIA).
The RCIA restores the order of Baptism-Confirmation-Eucharist and emphasizes the interconnectedness of these three sacraments. These rites are neither separate nor are they static they are part of an ongoing process. The RCIA speaks of our faith journey. And this journey does not end at Baptism or First Communion, or even at Confirmation, but continues throughout our Christian life. The Sacraments of Initiation are a continual invitation to continued conversion.
This faith journey is not merely a matter of learning about the faith, not merely instruction, but also a true conversion process. It involves the whole life of the candidate and the whole life of the Church. Conversion takes place in community. Conversion implies initiation into that community, initiation into the Body of Christ. (Fr Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M., S.T.D.Sacraments of Initiation:Sacraments of Invitation )
In baptism, we are reoriented toward God; the life of grace overcomes the power of evil and enables the baptized to believe in God and to engage, under the power of the Holy Spirit, in the struggle against Satan and the power of death.
Baptism happens not only to the individual, but also to Christ's body, the Church. That's why the rite insists that we celebrate Baptism in the Christian assembly, with the community present and actively participating. It is the community who is welcoming the new members, journeying with them, providing models for them, supporting and nourishing them.
Useful Links
About the Sacrament
The essence of the Sacrament of Confirmation is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into the life of the Christian. Together with Baptism and Eucharist, Confirmation shapes us as Catholics. Each of these sacraments focuses on a different aspect of our life as believers: birth, breath and nourishment.
Confirmation "completes" the grace which was initially given when the child was baptized. From this fact, Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace:
it roots us more deeply in the divine filiation which makes us cry, "Abba! Father!";
- it unites us more firmly to Christ;
- it increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us;
- it renders our bond with the Church more perfect;
- it gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross.
- Catechism of the Catholic Church 1303
The Second Vatican Council, in its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), states that those who are baptized and then confirmed obtain the "special strength of the Holy Spirit" and become "more perfectly bound to the Church," thereby meaning that "they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed" (#11).
"Remember, then, that you received a spiritual seal, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, the spirit of holy fear. Keep safe what you received. God the Father sealed you, Christ the Lord strengthened you and sent the Spirit into your hearts as the pledge of what is to come."
- St. Ambrose
Useful Links
Pope Francis: The sacraments will make you strong!
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Loyola Press - Confirmation
Confirmation 101: Why We're Confirmed
Married Christians, in virtue of the sacrament of matrimony, signify and share in the mystery of that unity and fruitful love which exists between Christ and his Church; (Ephesians 5:32) they help each other to attain to holiness in their married life and in the rearing and education of their children; and they have their own special gift among the people of God.
The Cathedral
Saint Patrick's Cathedral is the Mother Church of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. It occupies one of the most historic sites in our country where Catholics have worshipped for over two hundred years.
Completed in 2003, the Cathedral is designed to seat 800 people. The Blessed Sacrament Chapel was restored to its present state from the shell of the former Church, which was destroyed by fire in 1996. The Chapel is ideal for smaller congregations up to 100 people.
All funding required for the operation, maintenance and preservation of the Cathedral is entirely dependent upon the generosity of the Catholic people of Parramatta, visitors and others who use it for special occasions or celebrations.
It is the responsibility of the Bride and Groom to organise a Celebrant where possible. He will guide you through the process of preparation for marriage and will be responsible for all the formal paperwork required for both the Government and the Church. If you are not a resident of the Parramatta Parish you will need to engage your own celebrant. You may wish to have your local Priest celebrate your wedding. If you choose a Priest/Deacon who is not from the Parramatta Diocese and does not hold a Ministry card, he must download and action relevant documents from the Diocese of Parramatta’s website. Due to Parish activities, the Priests from St Patrick's Cathedral Parish may not be available for weddings on Sundays.
Confirmation of Booking
Before your booking can be confirmed, a preliminary meeting with the parish secretary is required. Following this, you have four (4) weeks to secure your date by depositing the ‘non refundable’ booking deposit of $400 and returning the filled in application given to you at the preliminary meeting.
Pre-Marriage Education Courses
As part of your marriage preparation you are required to attend a Pre-Marriage course. The celebrant may work with you on this. The Life Marriage & Family Office, Diocese of Parramatta, run weekend and on-line courses. Enquiries/bookings can be made at 8838 3460 or
Books to assist you in preparing for your wedding ceremony are available at some of the Pre-Marriage courses or at Catholic bookstores.
Our Director of Music must approve all music and musicians. It is a policy of the Cathedral that only the Cathedral's Director of Music or someone delegated by the Director of Music is permitted to play the organ in the Cathedral. Playing CDs and/or cassette tapes is not permitted in the Cathedral. Once you have begun your marriage ceremony preparation please contact the Cathedral's Director of Music who will be happy to discuss and advise you on musicians, instruments, singers and your choice of music.
Cost for music services will be outlined at the preliminary meeting. Discussions regarding music should be made with the Director of Music no later than 3 months prior to the ceremony.
Acolytes/Senior Servers
It is important to have someone to assist the Celebrant, particularly if he is not one of the Cathedral Priests. Our Acolytes and Seniors Servers have been fully trained and are familiar with the Cathedral. They will ensure the Church is prepared correctly and that requirements regarding the use of the Cathedral are strictly adhered to.
Flowers & Decorations
It is a policy of the Cathedral that the Cathedral Florist only is responsible for decorating the sanctuary with flowers for weddings. Contact should be made direct with the Cathedral Florist, who will advise you of the cost and arrange payment from you. The flowers remain in the Church and may not be removed as the vases containing them form part of the artwork for the Cathedral. During the season of Lent - Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday - floral decorations are required to be very simple.
Pew Decorations - As there are restrictions, it may be beneficial to arrange this through the preferred florist to the Cathedral.
Photographs & Videos
Having regard for the sanctity of the Wedding Ceremony and of the Cathedral, still photographs and video filming may only be taken from specific locations within the Cathedral. Please advise your photographer to speak to the Celebrant on arrival at the Cathedral prior to the ceremony, for instructions on the locations from which they are permitted to use their cameras or video equipment. The use of floodlighting is not permitted within the Cathedral.
Wedding Ceremony Times
After 11:30 am and before 4:00 pm
3:00 pm only
Rehearsals are usually held Monday-Friday (except Wednesdays) from 5pm-6pm.
Contact the parish secretary to arrange a time for your rehearsal. There is no charge for using the Cathedral for rehearsals. Preferred time allocated is one hour.
It is extremely important that your ceremony starts on time as there may be another service following on the same day. Your Celebrant and/or those people associated with organising your ceremony at the Church may also have other commitments following your ceremony.
Car Parking
Car parking is provided for guests in the grounds of the Cathedral. Entry is from Victoria Rd. Bridal cars and Photographers cars only may park in the forecourt area of the Cathedral. Entry to this area is from Marist Place. As other services could be following on the same day, you are asked to ensure that your quests vacate the car park without unnecessary delay.
Throwing Confetti etc
The throwing of confetti, rice, streamers, flowers, petals or any other items is NOT PERMITTED in, around or near the Cathedral precinct.
It is the responsibility of the bridal party and families to ensure that you and your guests behave in a manner that is respectful of the Church and the Sacrament of Marriage. The drinking of alcohol on the steps and forecourt areas of the Cathedral is NOT PERMITTED.
Offering for use of the Cathedral
An Offering to the Church is payable (detailed at preliminary meeting). Final payments should be paid no later than three months prior to the date of the ceremony.
If you find it necessary to cancel your booking, the initial Deposit of $400.00 will be forfeited. However, any additional payments made towards your Offering would be refunded in full.
Payments can be made via our website page at
Bookings / Cancellations
The parish office must receive your deposit and fully completed Application Form within four weeks of you receiving our information pack. After this time the ‘tbc’ booking will be removed. The declarations on the back of the Application Form contained in this booklet must be fully completed in order to secure your booking.
Any correspondence regarding your Wedding Ceremony should be directed in writing or by email to
Parish Secretary
St Patrick's Cathedral Parish Office
1 Marist Place Parramatta 2150
'"Rabbi, where are you staying?" Each day the Church responds: Christ is present in the Eucharist, in the sacrament of His death and resurrection. In and through the Eucharist, you acknowledge the dwelling-place of the Living God in human history. For the Eucharist is the Sacrament of the Love which conquers death. It is the Sacrament of the Covenant, pure Gift of Love for the reconciliation of all humanity. It is the gift of the Real Presence of Jesus The Redeemer, in the bread which is His Body given up for us, in the wine which is His Blood poured out for all. Thanks to the Eucharist, constantly renewed among all peoples of the world, Christ continues to build His church: He brings us together in praise and thanksgiving for salvation, in the communion which only infinite love can forge. Our worldwide gathering now takes on its fullest meaning, through the celebration of the Mass. Dear young friends, may your presence here mean a true commitment in faith! For Christ is now answering your own question and the questions of all those who seek the Living God. He answers by offering an invitation: This is My Body, take It and eat. To the Father He entrusts His supreme desire: that all those whom He loves may be one in the same communion.'
(Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day Homily, Sunday, August 24, 1997, Paris, France)
Preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation for Children Already Baptised
Preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation for children already baptised is a parish-based, family centred process.
The time to commence this process is when you observe that your child is able to consistently discern right from wrong. That is, when your child has reached an understanding that an action performed, or not performed, was inappropriate and is able to acknowledge this situation. Generally, most children reach this stage by about eight years of age (approximately Year Three in primary school).
Here at St Patrick's Cathedral Parish the process of preparation begins during school term four and commences with an Enquiry Evening which is held at the parish in the Cathedral Hall. Each September the parish publishes the information about when the Enquiry Evening will take place. Registration for the Sacramental Process opens after the Enquiry Evening and is completed at an Enrolment Ceremony held during Sunday Mass.
Key to preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation are the preparation sessions which are facilitated by the parish Sacramental Team. The preparation sessions, which are held approximately every two weeks throughout the school term, provide the information parents need to continue the process of bringing their child to full initiation within the Faith Community. Through these sessions parents are assisted by the Sacrament Team to guide their child through a reflective process which enriches their knowledge and understanding of the Sacraments. This 'conversation' also provides a first hand opportunity for parents to share their own Faith experiences with their child.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is dealt with in a similar manner to First Eucharist.
Registration for First Holy Communion
If your child received First Reconciliation at the Cathedral in 2024, please fill in this form:
First Communion Registration (continuing)
If your child received First Reconciliation at a church other than St Patrick's Cathedral, please register here:
First Communion Registration (new)
For further enquiries, please contact the Sacramental Coordinator via email
Useful Links
Pope Francis: The sacraments will make you strong!
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catholic Australia - The Eucharist
Sacraments 101 - The Eucharist
Sacraments 201 - What We Believe
- The Sacrament of Penance is available in the First Rite, that is, within the Reconciliation Room.
- If you require assistance in approaching the Sacrament please speak with a member of the Pastoral Team who will be most happy to review this with you.
- If you wish to arrange another mutually acceptable time between yourself and the priest, please contact the parish office on (02) 8839 8400.
About the Sacrament
It is called the sacrament of conversion because it makes sacramentally present Jesus' call to conversion, the first step in returning to the Father from whom one has strayed by sin.
It is called the sacrament of Penance, since it consecrates the Christian sinner's personal and ecclesial steps of conversion, penance, and satisfaction.
It is called the sacrament of confession, since the disclosure or confession of sins to a priest is an essential element of this sacrament. In a profound sense it is also a "confession" - acknowledgment and praise - of the holiness of God and of His mercy toward sinful man.
It is called the sacrament of forgiveness, since by the priest's sacramental absolution God grants the penitent "pardon and peace."
It is called the sacrament of Reconciliation, because it imparts to the sinner the life of God who reconciles: "Be reconciled to God." He who lives by God's merciful love is ready to respond to the Lord's call: "Go; first be reconciled to your brother."
Useful Links
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Sacrament of Penance
Sacraments 101: Penance - Why we Confess
Chosen - The Power of Confession
Funeral Masses may not be held on Holy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter), Good Friday (the Friday before Easter), Holy Saturday (the Saturday before Easter), or Easter Sunday. Funeral Masses are also prohibited on the Sundays during Advent (the period starting on the fourth Sunday before December 25 through December 25), Lent (the 40-day period before Easter), and the Easter Season (the 50-day period after Easter). A Funeral Mass may be held on Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), though ashes would not be distributed in the church.
Funerals can be booked by appointment. Please contact the Presbytery for more information.
A magazine for parishioners and friends of St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta

Two hundred and twenty delegates from Catholic parishes, schools, and organizations across the Diocese of Sale gathered at Federation University in Churchill on February 14, and 15 for a Diocesan Assembly focused on defining the pastoral priorities and actions for the next five years. (Read More)

The Diocese of Parramatta’s newest Parish in Marsden Park has welcomed the installation of its first Catholic priest, Father Gayan Thamel, marking a significant milestone in the life of the community. (Read More)

A new Australian Ambassador of the Holy See has been appointed. (Read More)

Like Christ who consoled the poor, afflicted and oppressed, the pope said, Jesus' modern-day disciples must hear "the plea of suffering humanity and, indeed, the groaning of every creature that awaits definitive redemption." (Read More)

The Vatican released the long-awaited document Antiqua et Nova ("Ancient and New") on artificial intelligence on Jan. 28. (Read More)

The Word of God this Sunday challenges us to see our brothers and sisters through the prism of their suffering. It commits us to work for what Pope Francis describes as the globalisation of hope. (Read More)

Homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2025 16 February 2025 Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-8; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20; Luke 6:17, 20-26 About 40 years ago, I was meeting with an Aboriginal group at Eulo 70 km west of Cunnamulla in far south-west Queensland. We were standing in the dried up river bed of the Paroo River. It was very hot, and very dry. But there was a gentle breeze and the River Red Gums looked resplendent. Despite the drought like conditions and despite the woes of the local Aboriginal community, I had a feeling of deep inner peace evocative of today’s first reading from Jeremiah: ‘A blessing on the person who puts their trust in […] (Read More)

We invite you to take part in a report back and discussion session about the global Synod and its implications for the Australian Church, to be held via Zoom at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 19 February 2025. (Read More)

Caritas on Monday warned that millions of people could die as a result of the “ruthless” U.S. decision to “recklessly” stop USAID funding, and hundreds of millions more will be condemned to “dehumanizing poverty.” (Read More)
Connect, Engage, and Serve: Deepen your connection with our community by downloading our new app. Stay informed and involved with weekly bulletins, liturgy guides, livestreams, ministry rosters, event RSVPs, and much more—all in one convenient platform. Receive instant notifications for announcements, daily readings, and ways to engage with our parish.
How to Download: Click the 'DOWNLOAD' button below. Tap "Install" to download the app. Once installed, open the app and complete your profile setup Stay connected and make your parish involvement seamless with the St Pat’s Cathedral App!
The music ministry of the cathedral continues to play an important role in serving the busier-than-ever round of diocesan and parish liturgies which take place throughout the year.
Choirs (including St.Patrick's Parish choir, the cathedral schola, and the Tongan Choir) and cantors sing at 4 of the 5 Sunday Masses, as well as Weddings, funerals, and other occasions.
We hope you enjoy viewing this site containing details of the musical life of St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Phone: (02) 8839 8400