The Cathedral and Chapel is now open to everyone for Mass as well as personal devotion.

6:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass
7:30am Morning Prayer
8:00am Mass
9:30am Mass
11:00am Solemn Mass with Cathedral Choir
6:00pm Mass
6:00pm Youth-led Mass (3rd Sunday)

7:30am Morning Prayer
8:00am Mass
8:30am Sacrament of Penance (till 9:00am)
9:30am Mass in Extraordinary Form
5:00pm Sacrament of Penance (till 5:30pm)

6:10am Morning Prayer
6:30am Mass
11:15am Exposition
11:15am Sacrament of Penance (till 12:15pm)
Rosary after Angelus at midday
12:30pm Mass

Mass at 8:00am (No Adoration or Confession)

Weekday Mass times from 26 December to 12 January will be at 8:00am only. There will be no adoration or reconciliation during this time too.
The usual Mass times will resume on Monday 15 January.




Diocesan Assembly: Hearts filled with joy, confidence and immense gratitude

Two hundred and twenty delegates from Catholic parishes, schools, and organizations across the Diocese of Sale gathered at Federation University in Churchill on February 14, and 15 for a Diocesan Assembly focused on defining the pastoral priorities and actions for the next five years. (Read More)

First parish priest installed at St Luke’s Marsden Park

The Diocese of Parramatta’s newest Parish in Marsden Park has welcomed the installation of its first Catholic priest, Father Gayan Thamel, marking a significant milestone in the life of the community. (Read More)

New Australian Ambassador of the Holy See appointed

A new Australian Ambassador of the Holy See has been appointed. (Read More)

All Christians are called to be missionaries of hope, pope says

Like Christ who consoled the poor, afflicted and oppressed, the pope said, Jesus' modern-day disciples must hear "the plea of suffering humanity and, indeed, the groaning of every creature that awaits definitive redemption." (Read More)

The Vatican’s response to AI

The Vatican released the long-awaited document Antiqua et Nova ("Ancient and New") on artificial intelligence on Jan. 28. (Read More)

Bishop Vincent’s Homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2025

The Word of God this Sunday challenges us to see our brothers and sisters through the prism of their suffering. It commits us to work for what Pope Francis describes as the globalisation of hope. (Read More)

Fr Frank Brennan’s Homily: Homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2025

  Homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2025 16 February 2025 Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-8; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20; Luke 6:17, 20-26   About 40 years ago, I was meeting with an Aboriginal group at Eulo 70 km west of Cunnamulla in far south-west Queensland. We were standing in the dried up river bed of the Paroo River. It was very hot, and very dry.  But there was a gentle breeze and the River Red Gums looked resplendent. Despite the drought like conditions and despite the woes of the local Aboriginal community, I had a feeling of deep inner peace evocative of today’s first reading from Jeremiah: ‘A blessing on the person who puts their trust in […] (Read More)

Zoom session: The Synod and the Australian Church – where to now? 19 February 2025

We invite you to take part in a report back and discussion session about the global Synod and its implications for the Australian Church, to be held via Zoom at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 19 February 2025. (Read More)

Francis Claps Back

The pope’s extraordinary rebuke of J. D. Vance’s ethno-nationalism (Read More)

Vatican charity says Trump administration’s gutting of USAID is ‘reckless’ and could kill millions

Caritas on Monday warned that millions of people could die as a result of the “ruthless” U.S. decision to “recklessly” stop USAID funding, and hundreds of millions more will be condemned to “dehumanizing poverty.” (Read More)


Connect, Engage, and Serve: Deepen your connection with our community by downloading our new app. Stay informed and involved with weekly bulletins, liturgy guides, livestreams, ministry rosters, event RSVPs, and much more—all in one convenient platform. Receive instant notifications for announcements, daily readings, and ways to engage with our parish.

How to Download: Click the 'DOWNLOAD' button below. Tap "Install" to download the app. Once installed, open the app and complete your profile setup Stay connected and make your parish involvement seamless with the St Pat’s Cathedral App!


The music ministry of the cathedral continues to play an important role in serving the busier-than-ever round of diocesan and parish liturgies which take place throughout the year.

Choirs (including St.Patrick's Parish choir, the cathedral schola, and the Tongan Choir) and cantors sing at 4 of the 5 Sunday Masses, as well as Weddings, funerals, and other occasions.

We hope you enjoy viewing this site containing details of the musical life of St. Patrick's Cathedral.


Phone: (02) 8839 8400

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